Saturday, February 28, 2009

Loss of a good friend

Michael lost a good friend (Mike Weiser) this past week at the age of 27.  Crazy to think that my husband is also 27.  Our prayers go out to the Weiser family.   I wasn't going to post anything on here about this ( I try to keep the blog my one happy place) but when someone so young passes I think it's good for people to stop and think for a moment.  Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.  Mike died waiting for a liver transplant. Below his photo is a link to a news article and news video about his story.....
Please keep his family in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for your loss.

    Glad you choose to share about the life of your friend, Mike. His life's journey and your sharing it -- will teach someone, reach another, and be forever in our hearts.


    Susan Hicks
