Friday, July 29, 2011


Our neighbors had a new baby (their third) so we offered to take the older two out with us for the evening. Davis wanted to show Laila & Makai the special park he had went to for his field trip. Davis adores Laila - you can tell by his expression...
Laila is a mother hen - watching out for all three kiddos..

Michael showing Makai the water...
Davis and all his classmates looked for seaglass on his field trip but didn't find any. Laila found a piece for him - he was in awe!

We ended the night with a trip to Culvers - ice cream makes for some very happy kids.


Davis and Michael had the opportunity to go on an overnight camping trip with a group of Dads and their children that they do annually to celebrate the end of school. This was such a great experience for Davis. They stayed at a Sportman Club about an hour from our house. Michael did a great job documenting the trip in photos for me - you know he was given strict instruction before he left!

Getting ready to go - Miss Diana cried for a bit after the boys left without her!
The sleeping arrangements..
Watching the big boys fish..
Davis was so proud to share his snacks with all the big boys..
Doing his "explorer face" at the vineyard they rode to on the ATV's.


Davis got to ride an ATV. Based on all the stories he told me, this was his favorite "new thing" that he got to try.
Posing at the vineyard..
Look at that face in reaction to the noise at the shooting range - I was very proud that Michael made Davis wear earplugs. This little girl was the same age as Davis. Michael sad they had lots of fun together.
Picking up the shells...
Michael's not afraid to try anything. I think he has shot clays once before so technically this was his second time.

REAL MEN... brush teeth!! Michael is usually up early and out the door before the kids even wake up. On this particular day, he was running late and the kids woke up before he left. Instead of rushing out the door, Michael helped the kids brush their teeth which made me so very happy. Anyone who does the morning routine on their own with little ones each day (we have to be ready and out the door at 7:30) knows how nice it is to have just a little bit of help. I love you Michael because you brush the kids teeth - no gifts necessary for this girl. Obviously, I was very happy - I grabbed the camera- ha!


Davis and his PK class had an end of year field trip to wrap up the school year. They all got to ride the "big kid" bus which was so EXCITING for Davis. Here is Mr. Davis getting off the bus and scanning the crowd to find Michael and I. I caught his face when he saw me. This was his big moment - getting of the bus!! His sweet and "oh so patient" teacher Mrs. K helped all the children as they each had their special moment.
We then hiked down to Lake Michigan to collect rocks along the shore.
We love when Daddy takes a break from work to spend special days like this with us. This picture made it all worth it!
Throwing rocks in the water..
Davis and one of his classmates. These two met the summer before school started at another camp. I was surprised on the first day of school to see her walking into the same classroom as Davis.


Davis with one of his wonderful teachers. Mrs. L listened to Davis sing many of his favorite songs daily with a smile on her face. He really loved her.
Davis with Mom & Dad- he said he was "super, super, really, really happy!"
We had no idea he was sticking his tongue out until we saw the photo later. Typical Davis Mr. Jokester.
Walking back up to the park/picnic area with Daddy.
The field trip ended with a picnic and all the PK children getting in a big circle to sing songs - most notably - "PK Rocks!"

Saturday, July 9, 2011


We went to see the Bolden's over Memorial Day weekend in Minnesota. We hadn't seen them since November. The kids always have such a fun time there.

Diana attending ballet with Madison.
Diana was excited that they danced to the "Bumble Bee" song - that was one of her favorites at school.
Posing after lunch by the lake - Davis is drinking apple juice from a Starbucks cup - he was too cool to pose with the girls...
Kenyatta and the girls..
We went to a party Sunday night at Clayton's. This is such a FUN group of kids. We really wish we could just move there. We always have a great time when we go and miss the Boldens as soon as we leave!


Sentimental me had to take a few photos at Diana's last day of school.

Her locker..
The message on the board..
Goodbye hug for Miss Karla...
Walking to the parking lot for the last time with her friend...