Well this is my first crack at this & since my children have the best Mommy in the world I figure I should follow in her footsteps and document the night. After we finished dinner we did our normal songs & bath time. Now that Diana knows how to get out of the tub on her own she loves to jump out and run all around the house saying 'I naked, I naked' she only gets the run around naked pass for 2 more weeks. After this cute period she is not allowed to show skin until 25...anyway...Mommy has worked so hard on potty training our little hype man Davis that even Diana 16mo younger is going on the potty. While dressing Diana Davis says 'oh oh daddy i gotta go i gotta go' one hand on his butt & knees together he hops to the bathroom...then he yells 'Im doing it, I'm doing it bring Diana come clap for me! Here is the photo
To celebrate we played in the toy room (normally would be bedtime in our routine) Davis fell and wanted to cuddle (yes rarely get to just cuddle my precious children) We watched a movie, Diana tried to eat the lotion, then we said goodnight to Mommy. I AM SO BLESSED TO HAVE MY WIFE AS THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN...THEY ARE SO LUCKY & WILL ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING I DID NOT...
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