We really enjoyed our very first parent teacher conference. We heard all great things about Davis and were happy to hear how much he loves helping his teacher. I, like most parents, had to laugh when hearing how well-behaved he is because he sure does love to challenge Mommy at home (LOL) We were thrilled when we saw his drawing that he did of himself in his Halloween costume. He loves writing letters and drawing and I know we are biased but we think he's pretty good at it :-)

Davis PK school picture (just a pic of a pic I took on my cell phone). He looks soooo old! I am a broken record when I say that but geesh how does the time go so fast?? He told me the other day he is going to be able to drive once he turns 5 so I should make sure he has his own keys. Thank God I have 12 more years before I have to deal with that!!

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