Diana went to bed fine and woke up really struggling for breath - we took her to the ER and she had very bad croup so she received a breathing treatment and a steroid shot. The doctor brought in 3 people to hold Diana down when they gave her the shot. They warned me that it would sting really bad when it went in and I will admit the needle looked pretty scary to me and I have witnessed quite a few shots in my Mommy lifetime. I told them I thought all the people would just scare her and told them I would hold her and to give us a second then come back. Michael promptly turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the I-pad for her to watch and she got the shot without crying or anyone holding her down. Once again the art of distraction works soooo great! Everyone in the ER was talking about "the little girl" that took the steroid shot without crying. She was very proud when we left the ER. She is one tough little lady!!

I will warn you this video is not that exciting but it is so funny to me as I sound like I am about to pass out and Michael is dragging his lovely snow boots on the ground as he walks down the hall. We laughed when we got in the car because it was about bar time. I am go glad I don't keep those hours anymore. Sleep is a beautiful thing!!!

Walking out with her Daddy - poor Michael was so tired.

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