After much thought, we decided that it was time for Diana to go to pre-school this fall as well. She is 2.5 and still working on her potty training so we were happy to find a place that would be flexible with that. She is going to the same place Davis went to summer camp and is loving it. In all fairness, we did not decide Diana was going to school - she did!! Upon dropping Davis off at school on his second day, she proclaimed from the backseat "Mommy, am I going to see Miss Karla now?!" I was still undecided at that point but I figured if she was ok with the idea I was too :-) Diana goes two mornings per week for two hours each day. She is the youngest one in her class and does well with the older kids. Could it be that big brother has gotten her used to hanging out with the "bigger kids"? Here are a few pictures from orientation. Little Miss Serious was really taking it all in....

It's no surprise to me she found the musical instruments. I have a live concert going on at my house most days at some point. Diana is usually on lead vocals.

Daddy and Davis were there to support Diana as well. Here they are modeling some cowboy gear. It looks as though Davis is the sheriff in town...

More dress up - where's Diana???

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