We attended at play at Sunset Playhouse last weekend. MOM's Club attended during the week and we weren't able to make it that day so we brought Daddy along for the Saturday performance. Davis loved it and seemed to understand what was going on. One of the actors asked the audience where we live (he was trying to get them to say "earth") Davis blurted out loud and clear "Wisconsin!". Diana on the other hand was more focused on how she could get on the stage and wanted to stand up so she didn't miss anything.
Making a "shaker" before the play.

The sun and the moon did such a great job including the audience. The kids loved the parts where they could sing (imagine that). My kids are constantly making a band or playing school so any opportunity to talk, sing, clap, or yell loudly excites them.

Diana refused to sit down for most of the play and was not afraid to tell me "NO" when I asked her to sit down. My sweetie pie is definitely in full swing two year old phase. It's not terrible like they say - it just means you have to adjust quickly or you'll want to pull your hair out at the end of everyday LOL! Ok - maybe somedays it isn't so fun to navigate through all the new-found independence...

The cast chose four volunteers from the audience to help make the ocean. Notice however that there are 5 children on stage. Miss Diana really wanted to help with the ocean so she ran up full-speed and jumped right in. Can you say Davis Jr. - she is turning into Davis with her bravery lately. Anyhow, it's a cute picture and she was so happy to help with the ocean and not so happy when Mommy came up to get her. Daddy gladly told me I had to get her not him :-) What's really funny to me is that normally Davis would be the one doing this but in this instance he was telling Diana "no Diana come back!"

Cuddling with Daddy at the play - they loved having him there and the fact that they got to where their pajamas...
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