I have been meaning to journal about this for awhile but haven't had the time. One day I told Davis that Grammy would be coming to see him on the weekend. He immediately ran to the toyroom window to watch for Grammy. I told him it would be a few days before she got here and he said "no Mommy - grammy has a fast white car. I watch for her now". My Mom also told me that one morning she and Davis went in to get Diana up in the morning Davis said to Diana as he reached in the crib for her "good morning sweetheart" - that made me feel so good as that's what I say to Diana everyday. I am glad that Davis observes that and steps in when I'm not there what a great big brother. This is a photo of Davis with Grammy when he was six weeks old....
Melissa - looks like motherhood is paying off -for Davis to say to his sister" morning sweethart" shows how much you love your children. Davis will be such a caring man when he grows up because when he was young, this is all he saw from his loving parents - love, dedication and most importantly the love of Christ - way to go Sheppard family!