Note to self: Never leave a two year old and a 10 month old alone together while eating. I thought with Davis strapped in his booster seat and Diana in her highchair it would be safe for Mommy to take a quick bathroom break. I thought wrong. When I came back out I was shocked to see Diana out of her seat and on the floor and Davis looking rather guilty. "Mommy, I let Dia out", he said. Luckily when Davis took the tray off little Miss innocent was able to climb down without hurting herself. I didn't hear any loud bangs or crying so that's what I'm guessing.
Hello Sheppard Family. Mike has shared this website with me and I am so excited. I really love the nap video....brings back memories!! After her 2nd birthday party my Caitlin actually fell asleep standing next to the couch! We even have a photo of it. You have a beautiful family. Wishing you all the best that this historical New Year will bring. Amy Smith