There's nothing better than Saturday night bathtime....
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Enzo's second birthday party!!!
Disclaimer**This is a daddy post so expect the following to have less detail, most likely some spelling and gramatical errors, and to be short and sweet...
The kids had fun!
....ok Melissa said that wasn't enough.
mmmm...Okay. Davis and Diana each picked out a present for the birthday boy. They chose two characters from Enzo's favorite show 'Yo Gabba Gabba.' Since I had the authority to choose the gifts this time I decided to add in every kids favorite, fruit snacks. Also because I don't hold a candle to mommies presentation and creativity, the gifts were wrapped in the target bag they were bought in.
The highlight of the day for Davis was when he decided to make cracker and cheese sandwiches for all of Enzo's guests. He had a crowd around him as he made and counted 8 sandwiches (singing it by the way). Then he gave a cracker to 'Dia' and the other guests and tried his handcrafted masterpiece. Little did he know that it was jalepeno cheese on the crackers...his reaction was 'daddy this super hot!'
Diana's highlight of the day was cuddling with Mieken and receiving a cracker from Davis to share the attention he was getting. Although she was getting mad because she was stuck in her coat and hat while Davis told everyone at the party bye 15 times.
Note from Mommy: Wow that was more than I even write : -) Maybe Daddy really does like this blogging stuff....
ROCKBAND at the ON house!
We played Rockband this Saturday night with Michael's co-worker Sherman and his wife Esther. They were kind enough to invite us over for dinner with their two boys who are almost 4 and almost 2. It was a wild, loud night with 4 little ones but it's nice to hang out with people who are used to that! Michael was a pro on the drums and Esther was the ultimate MVP with her guitar skills. Davis also helped out by playing the drums with some chopsticks! The kids also got to hang out in the On toyroom and watch movies in the cool chairs that the boys had. Thanks to the On family for having us over!
Alexandra's basketball game!
We went to watch my cousin Alexandra play basketball this Saturday. She did a great job and wow are those 6th grade girls competitive today. It gave Michael and I a glimpse of what's to come when our kids are older. Diana LOVED watching the games. She was clapping & yelling until her little face was red and was even trying to get off Daddy's lap to crawl out on the court. Davis actually RAN out onto the court a few times in between games. We had a lot of fun! Go Bluebirds!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Goodnight and counting for Gammy & Bumpa
Since we don't get to see Gammy & Bumpa as often as we would like we are posting this video for them. Enjoy!! We hope you feel better soon Bumpa!
Playdate = tired
We went over to our neighbors this morning for a playdate. We then came home to eat lunch; Miss Diana didn't quite make it. She was too tired from playing..... The "nap monster" , Davis, is actually asleep too....ahh a few moments of peace for me. They never sleep at the same time lately. Of course I had to blog, now it's off to cleaning....yeah!!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Davis' early morning workout
Thank God our treadmill came with a safety key. This is what I woke up to yesterday at 6am. Looks like Davis wanted to get in an early morning workout. He would not have been happy when that chair went flying. Thank you IronMan for putting safety keys on these things!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Blessed - a post just for Mommy
Sometimes as a Mom (as all Moms know) the days can get long and the responsibilities seem never ending...but it's worth it. So after folding, hanging up, and putting away MASSIVE amounts of laundry today ( I really, really hate doing that) I still feel blessed that I have a family to take care of and a husband that I love. I am posting an old vide0 by Martina McBride that I just love. Basically describes how I'm feeling today....enjoy!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Note to Grammy Terri..
Grammy Terri has requested that we post more often than once a week (which is what I used to do). Since we love you so much Grammy we will post as often as possible. We will try to post some video this weekend too. We think you should just move up here then we could see you everyday. Tell Bumpa to retire!!! Don't forget Grammy if you click directly on the photos they will get bigger for you...
Davis & Diana
Thank you Aunt Virda!
Virda came to visit last night and brought the kids some Harley stuff. We had to model this morning so she could see them in their t-shirts. Davis has been saying "Bad to the Bone" all morning. It is so hard to get a photo of them together. I sat them next to eachother and Diana threw her hands on her face right away as if to say "you know this isn't going to work Mom. Davis will never sit here!" She is quite the little poser and Davis is just a runner. Thanks again, Auntie Virda. We love you!!
Fun in the kitchen...
I have decided I will be investing in some type of gadget to child-proof the refrigerator. My children have started a "fridge raid gang" as I call it. Not sure why but the kitchen seems to be the "hot-spot" to play lately; maybe it's because I'm always out there. I would think the toy room was more appealing but then again that would be too easy for me, right?! Davis has also decided that he would like to be a waiter for Diana and I. For some odd reason he feels the need to wear one of my old boots he dug out while doing so. I must say he has great balance but Daddy's hoping he outgrows wanting to wear that boot all the time:-)
Donation to Milwaukee Rescue Mission
We decided Daddy isn't on here much so it is his turn to have his picture posted. This is Michael with some of his co-workers from the Brookfield office with all the gifts the office purchased for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission over Christmas. Now Anthony is on the blog too!
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Nap MONSTER!!!
My sweet little Davis used to lay down promptly everyday at 1pm for his nap. Now that he is in his "terrible two's" and has a big boy bed, he is not quite as sweet about it. When I mention a nap he hides, runs away, screams, and tells me (Mommy) that I should take a nap. Warning: this video contains whining and an overtired two year old for those of year that aren't used to that : -)
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Great Escape
Note to self: Never leave a two year old and a 10 month old alone together while eating. I thought with Davis strapped in his booster seat and Diana in her highchair it would be safe for Mommy to take a quick bathroom break. I thought wrong. When I came back out I was shocked to see Diana out of her seat and on the floor and Davis looking rather guilty. "Mommy, I let Dia out", he said. Luckily when Davis took the tray off little Miss innocent was able to climb down without hurting herself. I didn't hear any loud bangs or crying so that's what I'm guessing.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
April & Marques surprised us
April & Marques surprised us with a truly unique Christmas gift. April has been keeping it a secret that she is a very talented artist. When I opened the picture she drew of the kids, I was breathless. Thank you so much April and Marques too for his frame selection expertise. We are blessed to call you friends. This was one of my all time favorite Christmas gifts EVER!
Gwen and her babies

Michael and I took Gwen and the kids to get their picture taken on New Year's Eve day. Gwen has wanted a photo with them in her uniform for a long time. This photo is precious. The thoughts in their mind go something like this for me. Davis: " I will not pose for a photo without my fruit snacks. Take them away and I will run." Diana: "Umm, Davis those look good give me one I can chew it I know I can just break it up for me. Please Davis!" Gwen loved this picture as it shows the kids how they "really are".
The Arrival of Mary Alice
Diana's great-grandparents gave her a baby doll cabbage patch for Christmas and Diana loved it. She has been hanging onto it ever since. We decided to name the doll Mary Alice after my Grandma who gave her the doll. I have a feeling Mary Alice will be around for a long time. I always say Diana looks like a cabbage patch (most babies do at one point) but this photo really shows the resemblance. I was laughing really hard after I caught this. Welcome to the family Mary Alice! We are glad you are here and will try to keep you as clean as possible over the years!
Little Ladies on Christmas Eve
I was able to get 1 photo of Diana & Alaina on Christmas Eve. And yes I only got 1 photo where they were both looking. Miss Diana wanted to be on the move. She has her mind set on teaching Alaina how to crawl. One photo and Diana was taking off...outta here!!! Even though Alaina isn't "technically" related to us we have decided that she can be the kids' cousin anyway, since they do share an Uncle. Uncle PatPat you are so lucky...all these little ladies love you!!
Santa was here!
Davis decided it would be a good idea to get up at 3a.m. to check out what Santa had brought him. He was very happy to see his new table and chairs and his easel for the toyroom. Of course the big hit was anything that had wheels on it. He LOVES cars and was ready to tear them open as soon as he saw them. Luckily he went back to bed after checking things out. Check out the bed head too...classic Davis hair!
Happy New Year!
I am sad to say goodbye to our old blog but really wanted to be able to post video as well as photos and this blog will allow me to do that so prepare yourself for some wonderful video of Mr. Davis and Ms. Diana in 2009. I know Grammy and Bumpa will love it. The 2008 blog will still be posted at:, I just won't be posting there anymore....
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