We spent the morning at Minik@ni filling Davis's nature bag for school. It's so pretty out there. Of course I had to snap some photos on my cell of the kids sitting by the lake so peacefully. I'm glad we enjoyed tons of time outdoors before the cold weather arrived.
...your son had a good day at school! I gave Davis some crayons and a little notebook to keep himself occupied on the drive home from school. Two minutes and he was out. Diana kept laughing at him because she couldn't wake him up no matter how loud she was.
Diana's school is surrounded by nature so we often go hiking after we pick her up. Here are the two explorers deciding which way to go...Davis is always the leader but always makes sure to wait for Diana... Collecting acorns....
Nature collectors...Diana talking to her paper bag bird... Such a beautiful day... Once again big brother leading little sister - I'm loving the stick over the shoulder. I'm also loving that Diana knows to keep her distance when Davis is holding a stick. Listening to the "dinosaur egg"...
Our "yearly" football game to see Uncle Pat coach was very eventful. Here are links to the games in 2008 and 2009.
Ariel, Davis and Diana... Here's a link to the game with Ariel last year... Football with Ariel 2009
Davis enjoyed leading the girls around... Davis also snuck out on the field by Uncle PatPat... I especially love Diana's cheering and clapping in this video