This is such a precious family photo. Arcelya's party was so much fun and Natalia went all out with the decorations. I loved it!!

Diana was so excited to see Arcelya's cake and sing "Happy Birthday". She really understands birthdays now; it's very exciting for her. She was so happy for Arcelya when she opened her presents and got a baby doll.

Yes, that is my son "fixing" something on top of the house. Look at his "I'm gonna get this done face". He is all boy and a little engineer lately...

We got to see Marques and Keisha!! Keisha is great with the kids and always so helpful. As you can see Diana wanted to play not pose for photos...

Diana hanging out with the big girls...
After the party, we dropped Michael off at the Amtrak station as he headed off to Chicago for work training. He was gone Sunday evening through late Friday. We survived but were sure happy to see him when he got home. Diana missed him the most!!