Davis is 3.5 today. He is half way through the third year of his life. He is learning new words/ideas daily and amazes me with all of his knowledge. Here are a few pictures to show why I love Davis so much.
He spells random words on the fridge to make Mommy happy. I couldn't contain my smile when he spelled this word and said "Mom that makes you happy, right?"

He wrote his name without me asking him to. He ran out of room for the "S" but it doesn't matter to me because he loves to write without me asking him to. My goal has always been for him to learn because he "wants" to not because I'm "forcing" him to.

He has a great smile and is almost always happy and laughing. He loves when all four of us go somewhere together. He will say "Mom we have a whole family here!"

He is determined, confident, and brave. Davis is not afraid to try anything and will introduce himself to everyone he meets.

Davis is goofy and loves to make his sister laugh. He is always watching out for her. If she is not with him, he tells everyone he has a "baby sister". Recently, he has told us he would like a baby brother and would like to name him Dave!!
There are many other things I love about Davis - these were just a few I could show in photos. Happy half-way to 4 Davis.