Oh the cute things little Diana does. She is enjoying talking to, hugging, kissing, and laughing at her reflection in the mirror or anywhere she happens to see it. I took the mirror down from the wall to see what she would do. She was saying "hi there" and of course tried to give herself a big hug. I just love you Diana. You are so cute right now. Davis loves you too. He told you "Diana you get big, I want hold you."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Loving her reflection....
Oh the cute things little Diana does. She is enjoying talking to, hugging, kissing, and laughing at her reflection in the mirror or anywhere she happens to see it. I took the mirror down from the wall to see what she would do. She was saying "hi there" and of course tried to give herself a big hug. I just love you Diana. You are so cute right now. Davis loves you too. He told you "Diana you get big, I want hold you."
Sheppard Family Artwork
Here is some of our artwork from Saturday morning. Davis had been practicing painting all week and wanted to show Daddy what he could do. Mommy & Daddy painted too. My parents came to visit on Saturday so Davis was excited to show of his masterpieces when they arrived. Although I would love to save ALL of Davis' artwork I figure if I have it on the blog it's one less thing to find a place for. I think we'll keep these for awhile though!
Zoo day - it was warm!
Last Friday was a gorgeous day so we decided to use our zoo pass and enjoy the sun. My friend Charlene and her son Makai came with us. Makai is so handsome...look at his eyes in the photo - they are so unique and pretty! I couldn't get a still photo of the kids for the life of me. Once they were out of the stroller it was divide and conquer. I can't wait for the weather to be that nice again.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sweet Potato Mess = New Bathtub Friend
If you read the title to this post your probably thinking, huh? Let me explain. Diana is now Miss Independent insisting that she feed herself. She will not let me help her at all.

So today after eating her sweet potatoes and carrots she was messy enough (super sticky hair) that Davis & I (yes I actually consulted with him) decided she needed a bath.

During her bath she discovered her reflection in the metal piece on the tub (it's not the faucet, it's not the drain - I don't know what that piece is called!) and was so excited. She started kissing her reflection and waving at her "new friend".

Davis got so jealous, he demanded that she come and give him a kiss too. They did this several times so I finally decided to get the camera. They are so cute and funny. Note: Davis was still wearing his PJ's after lunch (see photo). He told me today he was "stay inside, stay in jammies with my doh".

Diana I want you to know that when your Daddy saw these pictures of you he said "wow, she is so pretty, I love her short hair, I hope she keeps it that way when she's older". You are such a beautiful little girl Diana!!!
So today after eating her sweet potatoes and carrots she was messy enough (super sticky hair) that Davis & I (yes I actually consulted with him) decided she needed a bath.
During her bath she discovered her reflection in the metal piece on the tub (it's not the faucet, it's not the drain - I don't know what that piece is called!) and was so excited. She started kissing her reflection and waving at her "new friend".
Davis got so jealous, he demanded that she come and give him a kiss too. They did this several times so I finally decided to get the camera. They are so cute and funny. Note: Davis was still wearing his PJ's after lunch (see photo). He told me today he was "stay inside, stay in jammies with my doh".
Diana I want you to know that when your Daddy saw these pictures of you he said "wow, she is so pretty, I love her short hair, I hope she keeps it that way when she's older". You are such a beautiful little girl Diana!!!
Playdoh Friends
Davis got up this morning and started playing with his Playdoh. I have to admit I've been telling him for awhile we could open up the Easter eggs with the Playdoh in them and today was the day. I remember when I was younger I used to play "restaurant" with my friends Jackie & Leah. We would play for hours making all sorts of food out of our Playdoh and it was an "unwritten rule" that you DID NOT MIX COLORS! That was not cool and I would not have been friends with any boy or girl that would dare mix MY Playdoh colors. You can see by Davis' multi-colored masterpiece Davis and I would NOT have been Playdoh friends. Oh well - he's lucky I'm his Mommy : -) Plus I'm no longer quite so concerned about Playdoh...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Mess, mess & more mess!!!
This seems to be the motto of my life lately. The kids have been spending a lot of time outside over the past week (which has been great) but now when we are inside they seem to have more energy to burn which leads to lots of fun messes. I heard a weird noise coming from the kitchen the other day and found Davis "cleaning". He had emptied the entire bottle of cleaner in the swiffer wet jet and as you can see he was serious about cleaning that floor. He also pulled the curtain down behind him while cleaning the window with clorox wipes. I haven't caught any of Diana's major messes but here she is after feeding herself an entire bowl of yogurt.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Diana - my kitchen helper
Diana loves to be in the kitchen with me when I'm cleaning or cooking. She got out her old Bumboo chair today which she hasn't used in months, set it in the middle of the floor and started begging for her puff snacks. Did I add she's been wearing a hat around the house today? Toddlers are so funny. Anyway, she sat there eating and watching me while I made supper and rinsed some dishes. Then she really surprised me by helping me put the cups in the dishwasher. Thank you so much Diana. I am hoping you'll continue to be my helper. Can I add that Davis wipes up his own spills now? I wonder if this will last into the teenage years??!!*****Note to my children for future reference - I am deciding to showcase the nice things the two of you do. Davis, I had to pull part of a crayon out of your noise yesterday with a tweezer and Diana you were hiding Mac n cheese in your diaper today at lunch. While outside this morning you were both throwing rocks at one another every chance you got. Mommy doesn't take pictures of all that great stuff!!!
Our serious little artist
Davis walked up to me yesterday as serious as he could be and said "Mommy I draw a whale, take picture of my magnadoodle" so before he erased his whale and started another masterpiece we took a picture of the whale that he had drawn. He was very serious and very proud of his work. As a biased mother I think he did a pretty good job of drawing a whale - far better than Mommy would have done. Can anyone else see Davis' whale? He wanted me to ask.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt
Davis & Brenna had an Easter Egg Hunt at my Aunt Jackie's . Brenna is such a sweet and polite 3 year old. She was very nice to Davis and helped him get started out looking for eggs. My cousin Alexandra was very helpful as she hid all the eggs for the little kids and helped chase Davis around the yard. Miss Diana decided she would rather stay inside and snuggle with Daddy. She was one sleepy girl. I love the photo I got of Davis' beautiful curls in the sunlight. I hope he never wants to cut them off when he gets older - probably wishful thinking on my part.
Easter - Davis Sheppard escorting Diana Sheppard
We tried so hard to get a cute picture of the kids in their Easter outfits but with two toddlers and limited time we didn't capture that "perfect" pose or did we I ask myself? Davis loves to tell Diana how beautiful she is when she is wearing a dress. On Sunday he did not want to pose as usual but rather he acted like he was taking Diana to the prom or walking her down the aisle. If you watch the sequence of pictures from first to last it really is precious. He kept saying "walk like this Dia" and leading her forward. Diana acted so proud to have her big brother being so gentle and kind to her (it doesn't happen all the time let me tell you) These photos are so precious to me : -) A fellow stay-at-home Mom made Diana's dress & headband with a matching tie for Davis. I figured I would rather give my money to someone who really needs it rather than a chain or department store. I hope everyone had a great Easter!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Egg day at the Zoo
We went to Egg Day at the Zoo today with the Boldens. Madison is such a dolly; we hope we get to see her again soon. The kids got to see the Easter bunny, got their faces painted with bunny whiskers & noses, and got their very own bunny ears. Davis was happy to ride the train with Mommy while Daddy stayed with Diana. He kept yelling "all aboard" and " I love my Mommy". What a sweetie pie. Diana was one tired bunny after we left. We are happy to be home now and ready to relax. I am starting to feel like I can't keep up with blogging. There's always something cute or fun with these two kids but then I realized this will be priceless in years to come. A friend of a friend just lost her 8 month old son to SIDS and had been blogging about his life since he was born. Looking back on her blog now you can't put a price on capturing everything she did. This Easter I am thankful for two healthy wonderful children & a phenomenal husband. *****On a side note we were not able to get a picture with the Easter Bunny. He seemed like he wasn't feeling to well today and was kind of walking funny. I think maybe he was out a little too late last night!! Oh well, the Easter Bunny deserves to party too every once in a while. Sorry kids, maybe next year.
The Easter Bunny!!
The Easter Bunny came to our house 1 night early since we are so good. It takes us a LONG time to get ready for church these days so he wanted to save us some time Sunday morning. The Easter Bunny brought new Big Wheels (compliments of the Darlington Easter bunny) and some paints, candy, and a bunny in a purse for Diana. Davis loved the Little Debbie easter treats he called them "Easter Cakes". Of course after trying out their Big Wheels the kids had to switch to see how the other toys checked out Davis looks so silly on that little girl Big Wheel. Sorry, Michael I had to post it.
Good Friday
Hi Grammy:
We miss you. Mommy told us yesterday that you were actually born on Good Friday. That's amazing. Anyway, Mommy is posting all the stuff we did yesterday and today so you don't miss out on anything. Daddy came home for half the day on Good Friday and we were so happy to see him. All three of us sat together and we took a nap. Nothing too exciting but we loved it. Mommy needed a "momcation" so she went to Target all by herself...she's lucky!!
Davis & Diana
P.S. We can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Visiting Uncle Pat's school
We went to see Mr. Lee at his school yesterday. We went at about 3:45 so Davis got to see the kids boarding the boss and there were still kids walking through the hallway. Davis & Diana thought this was great! Davis wanted to get on the bus :-) Davis got to play outside with some third and fourth graders. They cheered him on to go down the big slide and Davis showed the "big boys" how to kick a ball. Diana made some little lady friends and was walking around the playground with them she even got to sit on a desk in the hallway (hopefully she never has to sit on the hallway desk when she's older that was never a good thing (lol). Davis got to look at the K4 room and he met two kindergarten teachers. He was telling one of the teachers all his shapes, letters, and letter sounds. She said "wow Davis you could be in my K4 class". He said "ok". If only he wasn't wearing diapers I thought...I had to laugh on that one. THANKS UNCLE PAT!! We had so much fun and Davis wants to come back soon to see his "big boy" buddies. (Make sure you click on these photos to make them bigger - they are so funny)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Davis the TRAINER
I am convinced that Davis knows exactly what to do in regards to the potty; however, he seems to be more interested in training his animals and his sister to use the potty than consistently using the potty himself. This was the scene in our bathroom.....Davis assists the elephant, the giraffe, and the tiger in going potty. He tells each of them good job and gives them a hug after they go. He wanted to give them candy but I told him the animals were just happy because they are big kids that use the potty. He also assisted Diana by having her sit on the potty. Diana did not receive any positive reinforcement as Davis determined that she did not go in the potty. He told her "it's ok Dia". Davis himself used the potty zero times yesterday. I am convinced that one of these days he will just show more interest. He knows what to do he just doesn't want to do it. I've been told by many experienced Moms to not put the pressure on or he'll resist even more so here we are with our almost 2.5 year old just waiting for him to be more interested...oh what a great day it will be!! Right now he wants to "wear diapers like Dia". He was doing so good for a few weeks and now he is on potty strike. I'll update again when he's 3!!!
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