We are so proud of you Davis! I wasn't going to post this on the blog ( I didn't want to be one of "those" moms) but a friend of mind pointed out that there will be plenty of people in life that will point out the things that Davis can't do so it is my job as his Mom to point out the things he does really well. Davis told me over the weekend that " letters make sounds and sounds make words" so now that we have the letters and sounds down were going to work on some words. I highly recommend the Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD as it helped Davis learn his letters/sounds in no time! The DVD teaches all the hard sounds for the consonants and the short sounds for the vowels which is a great start for a two year old. Go DAVIS!!!!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Playdate at Playshore
We had a playdate on Thursday at Playshore at Bayshore. We met Charlene & Makai, Michelle & Brooklyn, and Colleen & Alaina. I got some pretty cute photos and Charlene I have to apologize because I didn't get a photo of my guy Makai. He is so handsome I'll make sure to post a photo of him on here next time we get together. Davis showed all the ladies what a true two year old temper tantrum is (he didn't want to leave the play area) and then was telling everyone his letters and sounds. We told him to ask the lady at Payless what the "Q" says; most adults have to think about that one for a minute. Thanks again for meeting us ladies. We need to do that more often.
Family Funland
Family Funland recently opened by our house so we went to check it out last Sunday. We met our friends Marques, Crystal, and Mike as well as Mike's son CJ there and we had a blast. We all left saying we needed a nap! I highly recommend this place as you only have to pay for the kids ($4 each) and not the adults. They have play areas for both Davis & Diana which is nice. I have a two for one coupon for the weekdays so you can bet I will be going here one day next week to get these two munchkins good and ready for a nice long afternoon nap. It will be well worth the $4.
Diana was chasing CJ around and giving him hugs all day. CJ is 9 months younger than Davis and 9 months older than Diana. ( that just sounds cool to me for some reason) Like when Kate on TLC used to say I have two 6-year olds and six 2-year olds (yes I'm a dork : -) Davis loved going down the big slides and Diana would lay on her tummy at the bottom waiting for him to appear. As you can see Daddy is very strong gliding across one of the play areas with one arm holding Diana. I was highly impressed.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Diana's First Birthday Party
So I am a little behind on getting this done. We celebrated Diana's first birthday at Pump It Up on Valentines Day. It was really fun - even for the adults. Michael and I said we would like to even go without the kids. We are super excited to return to Pump it Up for a birthday party for a friend of ours in April. We can't wait. Enjoy our video!! I'm still working on Diana's first year of life montage. I'm determined to get it done... Make sure you click on the "HQ" button below the video - it will make the quality better.
Jahmari's Birthday Party
We attended a birthday party last Saturday for one of the kids that attends Davis' old daycare. Jahmari was Davis' favorite "guy pal" and Davis was always excited to see him on Fridays. I didn't get any pics of Jahmari but got some cute ones from the party. It was nice that the kids would play the car video game without us putting money in (aren't we mean). They didn't know the difference and even Miss Diana was "driving" the cars. There was a huge elephant there that the kids couldn't get enough of. Davis said to Diana " look dia elephant have a BIG but". He has been telling me elephants have big buts ever since we left. Diana got to have her own water bottle and would pucker up her lips whenever she wanted a drink she also decided she was the boss for the day. She wanted Davis to follow her everywhere and when he wasn't fast enough she would cry and pout. Davis had a great time with his friend Mya as well. I got a cute pic of him trying to convince her it would be ok to jump in the ball pit. We had a fun time.
Playing outside
Just some photos of the kids playing outside last week. It's nice to see Diana walking around with Davis AND playing with him. (My definition of playing is when they are sharing and there is no whining, competition or screaming involved - otherwise it is called brother-sister relations)
Diana loves her new stroller that her Godmother Latonya gave her. She is also wearing Mommy's leopard hat to match her coat : -)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Our first experience with Poison Control
Yes, everything is FINE! We had quite the experience with Davis last week. He decided that one of the Paul Mitchell products we use on his beautiful curls smelled so good that he should just see what it tasted like. I'm not sure how much made it into his mouth versus how much he smeared in his hair and on his legs so just to be sure I called Poison Control. The hair product had a small amount of alcohol in it so she told me to load Davis up with sugary drinks and sugary foods to avoid him becoming hypoglycemic and to throw him in the bathtub right away as he could absorb the product through his skin as well. Anyway, Davis was super excited about all the sugar and was just fine. Hey any excuse to make a bubble mustache during the day is ok in my book. Of course this also got Davis out of naptime so I could watch him. I was thinking "wow - he planned that just perfectly...hmmm!"
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Morning Routine
Although this may not be very amusing to the average person, it is to me. What can I say when you spend the majority of your time with a two year old and a one year old, you are easily amused. I have noticed that Davis & Diana do the same thing everyday when they get up. They both want something to drink first thing in the morning and the rest of the ROUTINE goes exactly like this: Photo #1: They happily drink the beverage of their choice (typically milk) and happily stare at eachother in a quiet peaceful manner. Photo#2: Davis wrecks the peacefulness by taking the cup away from Diana, hence her angry and annoyed face. Photo#3: Davis (because he loves Diana so much) offers the cup back to Diana. Diana smiles as if to say ok I know you want me to sit here with you (you have nobody else to play with all day besides Mom) and then... Photo#4: Diana ditches Davis and no amount of persuading can get her to come back. " Go ahead Davis, keep my cup, I'm playing with Mom" . I am sad to say I find this very amusing every morning and can't wait to see these two in action. I'm really taking to heart the promise I made to myself to "enjoy every minute of being with them".
Lunch with Daddy
The kids and I met Daddy at Mayfair for lunch one day this week which was SOOO exciting for the two of them. The idea of seeing Daddy in the middle of the day on a weekday was just too good to be true. Funny how small things mean so much to our kids. I think that's important for people to remember especially in these tough economic times. Davis has no concept of what he's wearing on a daily basis or what new "stuff" we've bought for him nor could he care but he was ecstatic about eating spaghetti with Daddy at the mall...of course I couldn't get all 3 of them looking at the camera so I had to improvise and post 3 photos. Diana is giving her "I am READY for my nap, Mommy" face.
St. Patrick's Day Parade
We took the kids to the St. Patrick's day parade downtown last Saturday. It was pretty warm out but we were in the shade (and not drinking of course) so it was good that we were still a little bundled up. Gone are the days of celebrating St. Patty's with an all day drink fest...it's much more fun to celebrate this stuff with the kids and see the enjoyment they get out of everything. Anyway, we had a great day. Davis enjoyed piling up his candy (only to have me throw half of it away or give it away to the older kids around us). Of course the horse poop was a subject for us to discuss as well. We told Davis the horse should have went in the potty, that seemed to clear things up for him. Diana was more excited about the fact that she got to eat BBQ chips with Daddy. The most exciting part of the parade was the Irish dance academy and all the "curly-haired" kids bopping and dancing down the street. I know all kids love music but I am telling you our children can make music and find a reason to dance out of any sound or beat. We are really enjoying them right now. I didn't think we could have anymore fun than we already were but we really are. (Even though that meant I had to play the drums for over 40 minutes for Davis yesterday so he could show me his new "stomping" dance ( yikes...I was soooo sick of those drums!!!!)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Just because....
This is a close up photo of Diana coming in from outside this morning. Of course I am her mom so I think it's beautiful and wanted to share...
Friday, March 13, 2009
More fun Davis comments....

Yes, you saw it right that is a google image of a bra display here on our family blog. Here's why we are displaying bras on our blog:
We went to Target today and while walking past the bra section Davis yells out loudly "Wow Mommy look at all the boobies!" I explained to him that those were bras and that girls wear them. We then proceeded to walk past the shoe area where Davis told a few woman while pointing behind him "there's lots of boobies over there". Of course they all laughed which of course Davis enjoyed. He then said "Mommy, I goofy" with a proud look on his face. The mind of a two year old is so cute. I think it's time for Mommy to get dressed in private. Davis & Diana follow me everywhere and of course mommy & daddy's bathroom/closet is the coolest place to hang out.
Diana loves to "read"
Diana has a love of books and will sit and look through them for the longest time. The rocking chair she is sitting in was mine when I was little so that's pretty special to me. I imagine I did the same thing in this chair. In fact I actually remember reading books and trying to put a pillow behind my back so I would be more comfortable. You can also find Diana sitting in one of the storage bins in the toyroom after she has dumped everything out to "read" her books. Davis tells her what all the pictures are and then she turns the pages. I have to laugh at the serious face she puts on when she really gets into her books. She also likes to look at/read her birthday cards over and over. She is a sweet little girl.
Monday, March 9, 2009
We took the kids bowling this weekend at the I-pic in Bayshore. Davis actually did a great job and Miss Diana wasn't afraid to walk up and push the ball down the ramp. Marques met us there and helped Davis with his bowling (and helped us chase the kids around). These two are mobile!!
The kids had a great time with Daddy and Marques.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Davis and his new "stories" and "ideas"
No fun photos with this post but Davis said two funny things today I had to write them down or I would forget. #1. He has a scab on his knee. He saw it tonight when he got out of the bathtub and said "Mommy, my knee has a fever, oh no". #2. There was something brown on one of his big foam letters in the toy room (most likely marker). Davis ran out with the letter and said "oh no Mommy, dinosaur poopie" I asked him how a dinosaur could have possibly pooped on his letter, his response "came in window when I sleep". According to Davis there is also a baby dinosaur growing inside his firetruck now he tells Diana to watch out for it. It could come out at anytime.
Dear Grammy,
Mommy bought us some letter, number, color, picture blocks (96 of them actually) our favorite DVD/CD "Choo Choo Soul" and the Letter Factory DVD (with the $ you gave me). We are having fun with the blocks and Davis is learning lots of new letters and sounds. He has been saying the B says "ba" all day. He also likes the J say "ja". I really love stacking my blocks Grandma and now we can watch Choo Choo soul whenever we want. I am learning all the animal names and sounds. Davis & I started giggling when Choo Choo soul played in the car. We were so happy! I love you Grammy. Thank you very much for the birthday money. Love, Diana P.S. Mommy is posting a video of our favorite Choo Choo Soul video.
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